Sunday, October 26, 2008

Walking labyrinth

I'm glad to see that interest in the walking labyrinth continues to grow to such a point that it is fairly common to see them incorporated into spas, and given attention in spa magazines.

I was introduced to this practice at al local Episcopal church. That was many years ago when it was an unsual concept. Below is a link to an article that was featured in USA Weekend.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Surviving A Worst Case Disaster - MTJ

Writing spa management articles is a wonderful way to share information and experiences which can help other professionals with their business. I'm always on writing assignment and would love to hear from you. Have you had disasters in your spa and if so, how did you manage them? Post them to this blog so others can learn from your experience!

I have found it to be gratifying to help other spa professionals through my writing and was pleased to see this entry and very nice compliment in Felica Brown's Spalutions blog. I had interviewed her for an an article that was featured in the Fall 2008 edition of Massage Therapy Journal.

What Would Your Business Do in a Crisis
Disaster sometimes strikes when you least expect it. What would you do if your business suddenly flooded because of a hurricane or you became injured and unable to work? Click here to read a fantastic article in the most recent Massage Therapy Journal by my friend and colleague Camille Hoheb on Surviving a Worst Case Scenario. You'll actually read about a couple of my own dilemmas in the article and how I handled them!